Sunday, June 9, 2019

The Plant Annex

Tomato #1
It's not just my garden plot where things are popping up and growing.  I have expanded to the deck outside the kitchen as well.

I planted some lettuce last week in a window box that is hanging on my deck railing.  They're popping up like anything!

Today I planted my first container tomatoes for the deck.  I picked up a couple of seedlings at the local strawberry festival yesterday.  I'll have to pick up some soil down at my garden to fill my other bucket so I can plant the other one.  I am setting up a ceramic planter that was left behind by the previous occupant here at the house for some herbs - basil, oregano, thyme, and such.  This way I can just grab what I need from the deck when I'm cooking and need fresh herbs.

The woman at the festival also gave me a Jarrahdale Pumpkin seedling.  Jarrahdales produce a blue-skinned pumpkin with orange fruit.  They are originally from Australia and are a cross between a blue hubbard squash and Cinderella pumpkin.  I planted it in my three sister garden today along with some sugar pie pumpkin and some bean seeds.  It should be cool to have some odd stuff popping up.  I hope that I get some good fruit so I can save the seeds for next year.

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