Saturday, June 8, 2019

And still they grow!

Everything keeps growing and I'm so happy!  The cucumbers, zucchini, and summer squash are really starting to grow.  My pumpkins are starting to really sprout. The eggplants are getting huge and carrots! Oh, the carrots!  The Parisians are starting pop up more and more leaves. The beets are popping up, even my banana peppers are finally sprouting.


The garlic has flowered and the chives are still popping flowering.  It's green and lush and growing and all I want to do is dance and sing whenever I am there.  It's almost time to start harvesting my rainbow chard.

Rainbow chard (which seems rather appropriate for PRIDE month) is something I never thought to grow and yet, here it is popping up with large leaves and colorful stems and tempting me.

Of course with a cast to my knee, dancing is a bit of a problem.

Over in the big box, my corn is sprouting!  I should be able to plant my beans in about a week and then the other squash and pumpkins.   One new addition was a gift from a woman at the  Topsfield gardening club today.  She gave me a blue pumpkin plant.  I would plant it in the garden at school; however, I don't know how often someone will get in there to water and care for it.  I will bring the pumpkins into school once they are ready for harvest (and save seeds for next year).  The San Marzanos are thriving and I'll have to trellis them shortly.

❤️ Overall, the garden is really starting to grow and thrive and I am over the moon.  ❤️

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