Sunday, June 30, 2019

A wall of ... tomatoes?

My new trellis at 3' high
So I thought I was going to have some tomato plants.  You know, some San Marzanos and Romas.  No big deal. I started them from seeds and didn't think they'd do much.  In fact, I gave a lot of plants I started to other people as they began to get true leaves to spread my happys.

I planted the last few in my 2 x 4 box not expecting the plants that have been showing up this week!  So right now

That meant time to start building a trellis.  I had the smaller CPVC pipes as poles for the beans on the other side of the box wall, so it was time to think through what to do for my tomatoes.  Right now I've got a basic trellis built that I can add onto as they grow larger.  I wove the plants through the poles for now.  Like everything, it's up for modification and redesign as I go along.

Humungous Jarrahdale leaves
Since my focus was on the three sisters/tomato box today, I went to check on the 3 sisters side of things.  Remember that little bitty Jarrahdale pumpkin seedling given to me a couple of weeks ago?  The leaves are 8" long right now and getting bigger!  Holy Shamoley!!!  I was pretty excited about that when I saw them.

Then, of course,  I began to wonder about just how big do these leaves get?  I know the fruit is supposed to get that large, but the leaves?  It makes me wonder how our garden at the school is doing.  I'll have to go into school this week and see how it's doing and post some photos for them in our electronic classroom.  If my garden is any indicator, it's rolling gangbusters too.

I hope.

After the severe weather passes, I'll spend a lot of time this week trying to figure out how better to drain my tomatoes in buckets on the deck.  I drilled drainage holes, which have been fine but we had a couple of severe storms roll through this weekend and some more predicted for today (friends on the other side of the city are reporting cool electrical storms and posting rainbow photos).  Right now I have a tarp over them because the soil is saturated!  My herbs are OK because there's a couple of inches space at the bottom of the pot for drainage and overflow.  I'm not sure if I can repot them right now, but I may need to pick up an upsadaisy to create that space and overflow reservoir to keep that from happening again.  It may just be a note I need to take for next year.  We'll see.  We'll see.

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