Wednesday, May 22, 2019



It is exciting when your plants begin to grow! 

Two weeks ago I planted pumpkin seeds, beets, and Parisian carrots.  I wasn't sure what would pop up or when.  On Sunday, there was nothing but today - just a few days later - There were little plants popping up.

If my foot weren't in an aircast, I would have been jumping up and down in joy.
Beets and Carrots

But it is in a cast because of my garden.

Sunday morning, I wanted to run some errands before the rain returned.  I knew the rain was going to be a small window before the day grew sunny again, so I ran out to grab a couple more bags of soil, a compost turner, and some items for our 3 sister garden my students are building at school.   When I got to the garden, I  had the 50-pound bag of soil on my right shoulder.  I stepped into the garden and my left foot stepped into a  chuck hole.  I tried to balance myself with my right,  but the soil threw me off balance and my ankle turned under me.  I did a barrel roll through the deer fencing (which was pretty flimsy to start) and came up with the soil still on my shoulder.  I will admit to using what my mother used to call her beautiful words.  I suspect I also used some that she didn't use.

The afternoon ended in the ER where the staff was delightful as they got me ice, took X-rays and eventually placed my foot in a boot and adjusted a  cane to my height.  So for a few more weeks, I will carefully hobble around my garden. I still have planting to do and more plants to add.  One of my cukes doesn't look so good and I need another zucchini and some summer squash plants.  There's lots of PVC to be cut and assembled and perfected. 

Of course, one of the things I picked up, on an impulse, was a gardening seat.  I thought it would be cute and the price was right.   I'm now glad I picked it up as it will make getting things into the ground a lot easier while my leg is bound in plastic.

I  still have beans to get into the ground along with some herbs.   I'm going to be planting my own  3 Sister Garden in my big box.  Having a kneeler/seat will help greatly.  But right now is a time to be joyful.   The seeds are turning into seedlings, soon the seedlings long after the bruises have faded and the cast is in a closet somewhere,  will be big plants that are producing wonderful things to eat.

That's enough to jump for joy.

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