Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Another year, another attempt at this gardening thing.

As the old saying goes: people make plans, and the Divine laughs.  Well, this time around it came in the form of a tree root half a mile into a hiking trail.  Two ripped tendons and a torn ligament later, I was booted and wondering how to get things up and running for the coming year.  My garden was a disaster after having to spend all of August designing and building partitions for the school as we returned to in-person learning with COVID and such.  Then the school year hit full force and I was back in the classroom full time with no time to get things undercover for the winter.  Twice the work and bum ankle.  What's a girl to do?

She calls her adult son and asks his assistance is what she does.  Pi came out and started cleaning the lower garden to move a bed for me, set up the fence, and otherwise get a jump on things for me.  Unfortunately, like most of those in collegiate circumstances, he's busy packing to move so his time is limited.  Fortunately, I have other resources that will be out here to give me a hand over the coming weeks as I get the garden plan set up.

In the meantime, I've got my seeds in their mini-greenhouses under the grow light.  Broccoli (blue peacock and classic) are ready to go in once the next round of beds are ready as are my red and white onions.  I'll also direct sow some peas and set up a cold frame since it will still be a bit chilly at night around here for a few more weeks.  I have all sorts of tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, and strawberries trying their best to germinate (I may pull out the heating pad to see if that helps) so they'll be ready for later in May.  I've been playing with an online garden planner to help me figure what's going where before I have to go in for surgery to fix my ankle in June.  The hope is that, once things are in and starting to grow, I'll just need a hand with some maintenance until I'm ambulatory again.  

But kudos to my Pi guy, he worked his butt off and did a good job.  Now that I have a plan in place, it won't be long before things start looking more like a garden and less like a disaster.

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